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Our Tempests and Drizzles


Shipping in a Tempest of a Rocky Coast

Our lives have weather systems of their own. And while there are days when we take shelter from the tempests that come crashing through, there are also those drizzles that remind us, after we survived those tempests, to always be prepared for whatever comes our way.

As you walk through your path in life, as you travel along your journey to whatever your destination – whatever your goal, dream, or aspiration – is, you will have to endure those harsh storms to see the magical beauty of the other side of those tempests. And, sometimes, when it all seems like sunshine and clear skies, there will be some delicate drizzles that shower you with a reminder that the road is still littered with potholes and perils.

But you will make it through those tempests of pain and sorrow, and you will smile through those light drizzles of minor problems and conflicts, and you will smile when you reach your destination – when you turn around and look at that long journey and those winding and cruel paths you crossed.